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G’day there,

I am the newly elected President of the Bowral Rugby Union Club, situated just an hour south of Sydney in the beautiful Southern Highlands region.

The ”Bowral Blacks” as we are known, have a proud history and since our foundation in 1972, we have won many Premierships and had players gone on to Wallaby and State level.

Why I am writing ids to see if any clubs in your area would be interested in forming a relationships with the Bowral Blacks?

We currently have these with Malton (UK), Fort Worth, Texas (USA), Lanark (Scotland) and Juniara (Canada). We have two Malton players with us this season and what I am looking at is furthering this program so that Blacks players can travel overseas and get a game and vice versa with our “related” clubs overseas wherever.

If a club is interested, please visit our web site at and contact me direct on my email address of .

All the best for the season,

Anthony Fountain
Bowral Rugby Club Inc - “The mighty Bowral Blacks”
PO Box 897 Bowral NSW 2576 Australia
Phone: +61 0418 238 341

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  • Please supply full name and contact details;
  • You may also supply a pseudonym to be associated with your letter;
  • The Editor reserves the right to edit letters for content and length;
  • There are no guarantees that letters will be published here;
  • Please refrain from using explicit language, or that deemed racist, sexist or otherwise hate speech.

Southern KZN Durban Midlands Lammergeyer Zululand

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