1.1 A player shall be deemed to be a member of the last Club within the Province with which he was registered, provided that if the player has been absent from the Province or has not played rugby for a Club affiliated to a Sub-Union during the full preceding season, he shall be free to join a Club of his choice provided that all his obligations to his previous Club in the Province have been discharged. For purposes hereof, a season shall commence on 1 February and terminate on conclusion of the Currie Cup Final in each year.

1.2 All players from outside of the Province, previously unregistered players and players as envisaged in 1.1 above must complete and sign the requisite KZNRU Registration Form which must be lodged with the KZNRU prior to the player representing his new Club in a league match. Should a new player who has signed for a Club wish to move to another Club before he has played a league match for the Club he may only do so with the written consent of the Club Chairman where he first registered by way of a signed clearance form from that Club and may only play for his new Club after lodging such clearance form and the KZNRU Registration Form in respect of his new Club with the Sub-Union or KZNRU as the case may be.


2.1 No player shall be entitled to apply, from his current Club, for a transfer to or play for another Club in the Province after 31 January of each year and until the end of the season for that particular year. All transfers needs to be lodged with their Sub-Union on or before 31 January, unless one of the following circumstances applies:

2.1.1 When a player changes domicile from one Sub-Union to another,
2.1.2 When a player changes domicile from one town to another in the same Sub-Union,
2.1.3 Where a Club withdraws a team or teams from league participation due to inadequate players resulting in the remaining players being deprived of the opportunity of participation in the league through the effected Club, or
2.1.4 Where a player (this applies to School Leavers only) is deprived of participation in a league team due to his Club having an excess of players who are then not being afforded reasonable game time in a league team.
2.1.5 Where a player returns from overseas after the cut-off date, he has two weeks from his return date to apply for a transfer.
2.1.6 Where a First Division player who wishes to "try out" for a Premier Division Club may do so provided he obtains transfer clearance to gain 1st XV selection. Should he fail, he has one month from commencement of league to again apply for a transfer back to the Club where he was previously registered.

Player transfers in such circumstances will only be considered by the Sub-Union having jurisdiction on application accompanied by written consent (signed clearance form) of his existing Club. If a Club is approached for a clearance in any of such circumstances, the Club shall not be entitled to withhold such clearance without valid reason furnished to the player concerned, in writing, and a copy forwarded to the Sub-Union. The player shall be entitled to play for the new Club from the date on which his application for transfer has been approved by the Sub-Union.

2.2 Should a Club not grant consent to a player changing Clubs as provided for herein, then the player shall be entitled to appeal in writing giving full reasons to his Sub-Union. The Sub-Union shall be entitled to gather such evidence as it shall require from any persons to further the investigations, and in reaching its decision the Sub-Union shall uphold the laws and regulations of SARU and the International Rugby Board

2.3 Should the Sub-Union at any stage in its investigations find evidence of non-disclosure then the Sub-Union shall have the right to impose a fine and/or deduct points from the Club and/or suspend the player for a specified time.

2.4 Any party aggrieved by the decision of the Sub-Union shall be entitled to appeal against such decision in writing, giving full and comprehensive reasons, to the KZNRU within 48 hours of being notified of the decision. Any decision taken by the KZNRU shall be final.

2.5 Any player transferring from a Club under the jurisdiction of the KwaZulu-Natal Rugby Union to a Club in another Union in South Africa or Overseas during the course of a season, shall require written clearance from both his Club and the KZNRU.

2.6 Club transfers for Senior, Junior and High performance contracted players will be handled by the Sharks (PTY) LTD. Not withstanding this arrangement, a player registration form and signed transfer still needs to be lodged with the KZNRU.


3.1 Special dispensation has been granted to the Midlands and Zululand Rugby Sub-Unions with regard to the sanctioning of player movement between Clubs within their Sub-Union - the aim of which is to compete as effectively as possible in the Premier and Under 20 A and B leagues. In terms of this player movement it is to be controlled by the respective Sub-Union.


4.1 MEANING OF THE TERM: In rugby terms, the term twinning of clubs shall mean that an arrangement exists whereby players can freely move between the Clubs concerned during the same season without hindrance or penalty.

4.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE ARRANGEMENT: The objective of the arrangement is to give promising players an opportunity to play in better company by playing in a higher division, and yet not be lost to his own club if it is found that he does not meet the required standard. (or is no longer required).

4.3 MODE WHEREBY TWINNING BETWEEN CLUBS IS AUTHORISED: Should two clubs wish to enter into a twinning arrangement, then they would need to apply in writing to their respective Sub-Union for approval, such approval being subject to KZNRU ratification.

4.4 A twinning arrangement between clubs is not automatically renewable and must be approved by the respective Sub-Union on an annual basis.

4.5 The arrangement can only take place between TWO clubs at any time, with the proviso that either one may be twinned with another club. This implies that the latter club is not automatically twinned with BOTH other clubs simultaneously, but only with one.

4.6 One of the clubs in the arrangement must field a team in a HIGHER LEAGUE than the other in other words one of the participants should preferably field a team in the Premier, First Division or U20A leagues in order for the objectives of the arrangement to be achieved.

4.7 If one of the participants withdraws from the higher league during the season then the arrangement shall fall away.

4.8 A player may only play for a twinned club in a HIGHER LEAGUE (TEAM) than the one available at his own club during the season. Should he no longer be required for the higher team, HE WILL REVERT TO PLAYING FOR HIS FORMER CLUB. In the spirit of transformation, development players will be permitted to move to a twinned Club without restriction whether he plays in a higher or lower league.

4.9 The arrangement must be approved by the first league fixture of the season, except in special circumstances.


5.1 Players may only register with and play for a Rugby Club which is located in the Sub-Union in which the player resides. (Home address).

5.2 A player completing a season of league matches with a Club may only play knockout matches in that season for that same Club (no transfer after league even if there is a change of domicile).

This rule will be strictly enforced. Should exceptional circumstances exist, a Player / Club may apply to the KZNRU via the Sub-Union for exemption from this ruling.

5.4 Should a player be found to be playing without permission for a Club outside the Sub-Union in which he is domiciled then disciplinary action will be initiated by the Sub-Union which may involve a fine and / or suspension of the player, and a fine or loss of league points for the Club.

5.5 Should any party feel aggrieved by the decision of the Sub-Union then they may appeal to the KZNRU against the decision in writing, giving full and comprehensive reasons for the appeal. Any decision taken by the KZNRU shall be final.

Note: Exempted from this Domicile Clause rule are members of the three UKZN Rugby playing campuses who now form part of one UKZN Club and only for the duration of the FNB Varsity Shield Tournament.


6.1 ELIGIBILITY: Only players whose birth date is on or after 1 January 1991 are eligible to participate in this league.

6.2.1 Under 19 players may not play in the front row for any Senior level rugby.
6.2.2 Players who are Under 18 (born in 1993 or after) may not play U20 or Senior rugby in any position.

6.3 All players playing in the U20 leagues may be required by any authorised official to provide a copy of the relevant page of their I.D. Book.

6.4 Any Club found guilty of fielding an over-age player in the Under 20 leagues will be penalised FIVE (5) log points and fined R1000 per match per transgression.


7.1 Should special circumstances arise which make it impossible for any Club to fulfil a specific fixture, the Club requesting a fixture change shall apply to its Sub-Union Secretary in writing, not less than 48 hours prior to the fixture concerned, giving a full and comprehensive motivation for the request. In such written motivation, the Club shall indicate whether the opposing Club in the fixture has been approached regarding a fixture change and, if so, what that Club's response was. The Secretary of the Sub-Union will then initiate the appropriate procedures to ascertain the desirability and/or feasibility of changing the fixture.

7.2 In a case of a dispute, the KZNRU Fixtures Committee shall make a final decision.


8.1 To prevent the possible loading of lower teams, any player demoted to a lower team during the course of the season must play at least two consecutive league games for that team before he can regain promotion to a higher team, unless it can be proven that the player was suffering from a bona fide injury. Any club found wilfully loading any of their lower teams will be subject to disciplinary action by the KZNRU. This rule will not apply in the case of a player replacing a current Club Provincial player who has been involved in Provincial commitments.


9.1 A player may be promoted from one knockout competition to another, but may not be demoted from one knockout competition to a lower one, unless both teams are playing on the same day. A club that has qualified for a knockout competition may not use any players who have played the two previous league games in a higher division. This rule will not apply in the case of a player who has replaced a Provincial player who has been involved in Provincial commitments.

9.2 Only players who have played three (3) League matches during that season for a Club may represent that Club in a Knockout Competition. Sub-Unions and Presidents to assist in this regard.

Note: Exemption from this rule are, Schoolboys who meet the SARU and Boksmart age requirements and are new to KZNRU Club Rugby.


10.1 Premier and First Division Clubs shall provide spectators with match programmes at all home fixtures, including the times and venues of respective fixtures and the names and match numbers of players.

10.2 Included in the match day programme shall be the KZNRU Code of Conduct and for Premier Division Clubs, acknowledgement of the Official League Sponsor (Fidelity Security Moor Cup - Premier Division).


11.1 Every club shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all teams are properly turned out on the field and in particular ensure that their 1st, 2nd and U20 'A' teams are correctly numbered.

11.2 The size of the Sponsors Logo and/or registered trademarks as laid down by the IRB shall be:

11.2.1 Rugby balls, jerseys and medical kit bags: the total area on each individual item of all registered logos and trademarks together shall not exceed 160 sq cm.
11.2.2 Shorts, socks and boots: the total area on each individual item of all registered logos and trademarks together shall not exceed 80 sq cm.
11.2.3 Tracksuits: the total area of any registered logos and trademarks together shall not exceed 325 sq cm.

11.3 The KZNRU and respective Sub-Unions reserve the right to take appropriate steps to remedy any breach of this provision.

11.4 The penalty for breach of these regulations shall be a fine of R1000 for the first offence, a fine of R2500 for the second offence and a fine of R5000 and deduction of log points for the third offence.


12.1 In all Premier and First Division matches played at Clubs, two balls must be provided by the home Club. For all other matches, the home and visiting teams are each expected to supply one ball. Sub-Unions are to supply two balls for all games played at home venues on their main field. In all matches the Referee may wish to inspect the match balls prior to the commencement of the match and has the power to discard any ball which in his opinion, is unsuitable for match play. (See Law 2, Laws of the Game of Rugby Football).


13.1 Suitably competent Touch Judges shall be provided by each team. For all Premier and First Division and U20A games the Referees Sub-Society will provide Touch Judges.

13.2 The Touch Judge must, before the commencement of the game, report to the Referee appointed to the match. He must be supplied with a flag.


14.1 In all league fixtures two periods of 40 minutes each way shall be played with a 10 minute half time, except that specified kick off times must be strictly observed.


15.1 Up to seven substitutes may be used during a match.

15.2 Players who have been substituted may not participate further in the match. Exceptions are for an injured front row player if no other suitably trained replacement is available and for a player in the blood bin.

15.3 When substituting a player, the following procedure must be adopted:
15.3.1 The team manager / other responsible official will notify the touch-judge of the number of the player being substituted and the substitute's number.
15.3.2 The substitute will join the touch-judge on the touch-line and only enter the field of play when the substituted player has left the field of play and with the referee's permission.

15.4 Should teams substitute players at half time it is important that the referee is notified of the changes before play resumes.

15.5 In the event of a permanent replacement due to injury or a temporary replacement for a "blood" injury, the replacement player must join the touch-judge on the touch-line and may only enter the field of play with the permission of the referee after the injured/bleeding player has left the field of play. If the player who has been temporarily replaced for "blood" does not return to the field of play within 15 minutes of leaving the playing area, the replacement becomes permanent and the replaced player must not return to the field of play. A returning "blood" injured player may only enter the field of play when the temporary replacement player has left field of play.

15.6 At no time may more than fifteen players of one team be on the field of play.


16.1 For a Club to participate in the Premier Division it must field a minimum of four (4) league teams.

16.2 For a Club to participate in the First Division it must field a minimum of two (2) league teams.

16.3 For a Club to participate in the U20A Division it must field a minimum of two (2) U20 league teams. (exemptions may be applied for)


17.1 Premier Division:

For a Club to qualify to challenge for Premier Division status it must be:

17.1.1 A Club which has won the First Division (Dewar Shield).
17.1.2 Fielding at least three (3) league teams and must guarantee that they will meet the Depth Clause of four (4) league teams in the following year.
17.1.3 Only players who have played three (3) League matches during that season for a Club may represent that Club in a Promotion / Relegation Match. Sub-Unions and Presidents to assist in this regard.

If all these conditions have been met and upon written application, a promotion/relegation game shall be played against the last placed team in the Premier Division competition. This match is to be played within two weeks after completion of the knockout competition and shall be played at the defending side's home grounds.

17.2 First Division:

For a Club to qualify to challenge for First Division status it must be:
17.2.1 A Sub-Union league playing Club which does not already participate in the Premier or First Division competitions.
17.2.2 A Club which has won the Findlay Cup 3rd Division Knock-out.
17.2.3 A Club which meet the Depth Clause of two (2) league teams in the following year.
17.2.4 Only players who have played three (3) League matches during that season for a Club may represent that Club in a Promotion / Relegation Match. Sub-Unions and Presidents to assist in this regard.

If all these conditions have been met and upon written application, a promotion/relegation game shall be played against the side finishing last in the First Division competition. This match to be played as soon as possible after completion of the league programme, and shall be played, at full strength, at the defending side’s Sub-Union HQ grounds.

All decisions regarding promotion/relegation in Club rugby is at the discretion of the KZNRU Fixtures Committee:


18.1 No Club which is already represented in the U20 'A' Division shall be eligible to have an additional side in that competition. Further, the KZNRU Fixtures Committee shall decide, upon application, which Club team qualifies to challenge for U20 'A' Division participation.

18.2 The promotion/relegation match shall be played between the team finishing last in the Frank Norris Trophy and the team finishing with in the top three (3) in the Frank Norris Reserves respectively, and who's Club is not already represented in the Frank Norris Trophy. This match to be played within two weeks after completion of the knockout competition and shall be played at the defending side's home grounds.

Should provincial call ups result in a Club missing 3 or more players - who must have played at least half of the league matches - then that Club may apply for a postponement which will be considered by the KZNRU Fixtures Committee.


19.1 Off-Season practices: (Sharks XV, Sharks U21, Sharks U19). Off-season practices may be called by the Provincial Coach at any time he deems fit. These practices must be held on Mondays so as not to clash with normal Club practice days.

19.2 Pre-season practice and Camp: (Sharks XV, Sharks U21, Sharks U19). Once selected - usually early in February - Wildebeest squad players will be required to attend team practices and will not be available for their Clubs. Exact dates depends upon the date on which the Vodacom Cup competition commences.

Provincial commitments for players selected for the Sharks U21 team will commence 5 weeks prior to their first SARU league match. For players selected for the Sharks U19 team their provincial commitments (which supersedes Club commitments) will commence not more that 4 weeks before the first SARU league match.

19.3 Provincial Match Week: (Sharks XV, Sharks U21, Sharks U19, KZN Rural). Once a team has been selected, the players, including reserves, during the week before the fixture, come under the jurisdiction of the Selection Committee and Coach and may, on any day, be called to a practice which will always supersede Club commitments. In the event of a mid-week Club league match no selected player other than reserves may play for his Club during six days preceding the provincial fixture. For reserves to play in a Club fixture they must first obtain permission from the respective NRU team Coach.

19.4 Provincial competitions: (Sharks XV, Sharks U21, Sharks U19, KZN Rural). Players, including reserves selected for provincial teams come under the jurisdiction of the Coach for the entire duration of the competition. Should a provincial team have a bye during the competition the provincial Coach must select a squad of 22 players after the Monday practice and these players will be unavailable for Club fixtures in that week. Should there be two or more consecutive byes, it is only the week preceding the continuation of the league that players shall be regarded as provincially bound. Medical reports on all players are to be submitted together with remedial advice where relevant. Medical opinion must be respected by Club coaches before selecting provincial players for Club matches once they have been released from their provincial competitions.

19.5 Junior / Development / Interim Contracted Players: Notwithstanding paragraphs 19.1 - 19.4 above, should any players on contract to the Kwazulu-Natal Rugby Union in any one of the above categories be required, in terms of his contract, to fulfil a provincial obligation, this would always supersede Club commitments.


If a player is selected for any officially selected KwaZulu-Natal or Sub-Union Representative team and declares himself unavailable for the match in question, he may not be permitted to play for his Club from the date of selection up to and including the seventh day after the fixture, save with the consent of the KZNRU and unless it can be proven that the player was suffering from a bona fide injury, work or other commitment which clashes with the Provincial Fixture in question.


21.1 Red and Yellow Card Application:

21.1.1 When a player has been issued with a caution in any game, the Referee will hold up a yellow card, show it to the cautioned player(s) and order the player(s) to spend 10 minutes in the Sin Bin. This could be behind the poles or in a designated area. The Referee will ensure that the player's number, name and offence are recorded.
21.1.2 When a player who has been cautioned as in 21.1.1 commits a second cautionable offence in the same match, the Referee will show a second yellow card and then a red card to signify that the player has been sent from the field of play.
21.1.3 When a player commits an offence which requires an immediate ordering off, the Referee will hold up the red card to signify that the player has been sent from the field of play.

21.2 In the event that a player is sent off (Red Card) the field, then that player is automatically suspended and will be subject to a Disciplinary Committee enquiry, save that in the event of a sending off contemplated under 21.1.2 above, the Disciplinary Chairman shall upon the receipt of written representations for good cause have the discretion to uplift the suspension pending the enquiry which shall be conducted in accordance with the KwaZulu-Natal Rugby Union Disciplinary Code. A copy of the Code is available from the KwaZulu-Natal Rugby Union Offices and all Sub-Union Secretaries.

21.3 A player who has been found guilty and been sentenced shall be entitled to appeal to the KZNRU Disciplinary Committee, which appeal shall be conducted in accordance with the KwaZulu-Natal Rugby Union Disciplinary procedures. A copy of such procedure is available from the KwaZulu-Natal Rugby Union offices.

21.4 All Club Officials, Managers, Coaches and Players will be subject to the KZNRU Code of Conduct. A Copy is available at your Sub-Union offices.


22.1 Scratchings:

22.1.1 Any Club unable to field a team for a fixture (must be the lowest of the Club's open or U20 teams), shall notify their respective Sub-Union before 10h00 on the business day preceding the fixture. In this event the Club shall be fined R2000 for a Premier Division team, R1500 for First Division and Under 20 A team and R500 for a 3rd Division and down team, but shall not be penalised any log points on the first occasion it should scratch a team. On the occasion of any subsequent scratching, the team shall be penalised ONE (1) log point notwithstanding the time of notification of the scratching to its Sub-Union and the relevant fine.
22.1.2 Notification to the Sub-Union of the proposed scratching between 10h00 and 15h00 on the business day preceding the fixture, shall incur a penalty of ONE (1) log point for the team in addition to a fine of R2000 for a Premier Division team, R1500 for First Division and Under 20 A team and R500 for a 3rd Division and down team.
22.1.3 Notification to the Sub-Union of the proposed scratching after 15h00 on the business day preceding the fixture shall be deemed to be a non-arrival and dealt with in terms of the provisions of 22.2 below.

22.2 Non-Arrivals:

22.2.1 Any team failing to arrive for a scheduled fixture will be penalised FIVE (5) log points and, in addition, incur a fine of R2000, such fine to be paid to the opposing Club. (Deducted from Club grant).
22.2.2 In either a scratching or non- arrival, the opposing team will be awarded FIVE (5) log points for that particular game (four match points plus one bonus point).
22.2.3 The referee shall start the match at the specified kick off times. At his discretion, if the teams have not taken the field of play 15 minutes after the scheduled kick off time, the match will be considered abandoned and treated as a non-arrival in terms of the Rules.

22.3 Match Abandonment:

22.3.1 If a match is called off by the appointed match official for what ever reason (e.g. weather, discipline, player safety) before half time, then each team will be allocated 2 log points, unless otherwise decided by the KZNRU Fixtures Committee.
22.3.2 If a match is called off by the appointed match official for what ever reason (e.g. weather, discipline, player safety) at half time or thereafter, the score at the time will stand and log points awarded accordingly. This match will not be replayed. (unless the KZNRU Fixtures Committee deems it necessary)


23.1 All league teams should arrive with at least 15 players prepared to take the field of which two must be recognised props, including one identified player who can play prop in case of injury.

23.2 Should any team arrive, however, with less than fifteen players but provided there are at least twelve players, then the match can commence subject to the provisions of 23.1 relating to props.

23.2.1 Since safety on the field is a priority, the referee will always request the captain of each team to identify both props and the replacement prop before he will commence the match.

23.3 At any time after the match has commenced, should two of the three identified props be injured, then the referee will rule that uncontested scrums will apply.

23.4 NON COMPLIANCE: - Should a team, at the scheduled commencement time of the match, not have twelve players and/or not have two recognised props and an identified player who can replace either then that team will be regarded as a non-arrival, will forfeit the match and the provisions of Regulation 23.2 shall apply.

24. SCRATCHINGS: PENALTIES & FINES (excluding log points dealt with in 23 above).

24.1 Premier Division:
1st Scratching - R2000 fine
2nd Scratching - R3000 fine
3rd Scratching - R5000 fine and automatic withdrawal from the league in which it competes. In addition, ALL senior teams of that club, including the 1st team, will be penalised ONE (1) log point.

24.2 First and U20 A Division:
1st Scratching - R1500 fine
2nd Scratching - R2000 fine
3rd Scratching - R3000 fine and automatic withdrawal from the league in which it competes. In addition, ALL senior teams of that club, including the 1st team, will be penalised ONE (1) log point.

24.3 Other Teams:
1st Scratching - R500 fine
2nd Scratching - R1000 fine
3rd Scratching - R1500 fine and automatic withdrawal from the league.

The additional penalties shall also apply to all non-arrivals.


25.1 Any club withdrawing one of its officially entered teams from the leagues, even prior to the commencement of the season, will incur a fine of R5000.

25.2 The only exception to this rule will be in the case of a club withdrawing a team before the first league game and the KZNRU Fixtures Committee being able to arrange for another Club side in its place, thereby avoiding any disruption of fixtures. Such replacement team will then be subject to rules 24 to 25.1.

25.3 Should the side withdrawn be an Under 20 team, the fine of R3000 shall also apply.

25.4 In the event of a team scratching from the league during the course of a season, all previous fixtures involving that team shall be deemed not to have been played and the logs points accumulated therefore nullified.


26.1 All fines will be deducted from any portion of the KZNRU grant still due to that Club for the year in question and in the absence of any portion of the grant still being due to the Club, from the KZNRU grant allocated to the Club for the following year.


27.1 The following log point format will apply in all KZNRU competitions:

Win : 4 points
Draw : 2 points
Loss : 1 point for loss within 7 points or less of the team that wins
Loss : 0 points for loss of more than 7 points
Try Bonus : 1 point for a team that scores 4 or more tries per match.


28.1 Clubs are asked to take cognisance of the following requirements pertaining to decentralised venues, and to note that these will be strictly monitored throughout the season by the respective Sub-Unions.

28.1.1 Adequate spectator control should reside in the hands of a Club official and a minimum 3 metre corridor around the playing areas should be maintained at all times during matches. If this corridor is not clearly demarcated and maintained, the referee shall be entitled to suspend play until satisfied that the corridor is demarcated and maintained.
28.1.2 Demarcation of two 'technical' areas (approx. 6m x 2m) three meters from the touchline and near the halfway. This clearly marked or cordoned off area is to be used by the respective reserves and team officials. Only with the permission of the Referee may team officials leave this area. Reserves may leave the area for warm up purposes or when about to go on as a replacement.
28.1.3 Consumption of liquor outside of licensed areas is prohibited in terms of the Liquor Act and strict adherence thereto should be observed. This means that the consumption of liquor within the playing enclosure is illegal.
28.1.4 Adequate:- first aid equipment and expertise must be available, without which the referee will not start the game; secure changeroom and shower facilities should be available for all teams, and for the officiating referee/s;

28.2 A properly maintained and marked field in compliance with Law 1 (Grounds) of the Laws of the game of Rugby Football (SARU 2011 edition handbook) with all flags in place must be available before any match can commence.

28.3 Should a visiting Club have cause for complaint regarding the facilities or arrangements at any venue they should submit their complaint, in writing, to the Secretary of the Sub-Union concerned who shall acknowledge receipt thereof and place it before the Council of that Sub-Union for investigation and action.


29.1 The Club representing Kwazulu-Natal will be the team that finishes first in the FIDELITY SECURITY Premier Division at the completion of the competition. (10-17 September 2011)


30.1 Venues for Castle Murray Cup and Junior Murray Cup knockout matches (Premier and First Division respectively) will be determined by the KZNRU Fixtures Committee.

30.2 The procedure to be followed in respect of all knock-out games which end in a draw is as follows:

30.2.1 If item 30.3 below is not applicable, then an extra 10 minutes each way shall be played.
30.2.2 If the scores are still level after extra time then the team scoring the greater number of tries shall be declared the winner.
30.2.3 In the event that both teams have scored the same number of tries then the match shall be awarded to the team scoring the most tries in previous matches of that specific competition.
30.2.4 If the try count in previous matches is the same, then the team with the higher points differential from those previous matches, shall be the winner.
30.2.5 Finally, should points differential in previous matches be the same OR should there be no previous matches, then the team that scored the first try in the match shall be declared the winner. (If no tries, then first points scored in the match).

30.3 In the event of a Knock-Out match being played as a curtain raiser to a provincial match or more senior knock-out match, no extra time will be played, and if tries do not decide the winner, then this will be determined as per item 30.2.2 - 30.2.5 above.


31.1 When teams finish in any league competition with the same number of log points, including bonus points, their position in the league will be determined initially on points difference, thereafter on total tries scored, and finally by the spin of a coin.

31.2 Should a team involved in a tie with team 'X' on the log be in a situation where they have earned 5 log points but no points for or against because of a scratching by team 'Y', then they will be awarded the points for and against which resulted from the league match between team 'X' and 'Y'. Points differential will only be taken into account to determine the higher placed team.


To be accepted by a Sub-Union and the KwaZulu-Natal Rugby Union as an affiliated league playing Rugby Club, the following requirements should be noted:

32.1 A formal Constitution containing basic requirements with regards to organisation and running of the Club.

32.2 A list of at least 25 players who are, or are to become registered members.

32.3 Names and contact details of the following Club office bearers: Chairman, Secretary and Coach.

32.4 Only after a full year's successful participation in a Sub-Union or KZNRU league will a new Club qualify for a KZNRU Club Grant.


33.1 Fielding of unregistered players -5 R1000
33.2 Fielding over-age players in the U20 leagues per match per transgression -5 R1000
33.3 Fielding any suspended players -5 R2000
33.4 Breech of advertising - 1st offence R1000; 2nd offence R 2500; 3rd offence R 5000 and deduction of log points.
33.5 Scratching a Premier Division game (League or Knock-Out prior to 10h00 on the business day preceding a fixture) R2000
33.6 2nd scratching of a Premier Division game (League or Knock-Out prior to 10h00 on the business day preceding a fixture) -1 R3000
33.7 Scratching of a Premier Division game between 10h00 and 15h00 on the business day preceding a fixture -1 R2000
33.8 Scratching after 15h00 on the business day preceding a fixture or non-arrival for a game or arriving with less than 13 players -5 R2000
33.9 Scratching a First or Under 20 A Division game (League or Knock-Out prior to 10h00 on the business day preceding a fixture) R1500
33.10 2nd scratching of a First or Under 20 A game (League or Knock-Out prior to 10h00 on the business day preceding a fixture) -1 R2000
33.11 Scratching of a First or Under 20 A game between 10h00 and 15h00 on the business day preceding a fixture -1 R1500
33.12 Scratching any other teams game (League or Knock-Out prior to 10h00 on the business day preceding a fixture) R 500
33.13 Scratching after 15h00 on the business day preceding a fixture or non-arrival for a game or arriving with less than 12 players -5 R2000
33.14 Non arrival - all teams -5 R2000
33.15 Scratching for the 3rd time: Automatic withdrawal from league -1 per team Premier - R5000, First/U20 - R3000, other teams - R1500
33.16 Team withdrawal during season All Premier - R5000, First/U20 - R3000, other teams - R1500

NOTE: All games played by a team as in 33.15 and 33.16 against the withdrawn team will be considered null and void.

34. Notwithstanding these Rules and Regulations as set out above, all unforeseen problems, eventualities and disputes not catered for in these Rules and Regulations will be referred to the KZNRU for adjudication and the decision shall be final.


AM Amanzimtoti
BALL Ballito Dolphins - Aston College, Ballito
BR Newlands East Brumbies - Newlands East Secondary School
CL Clermont - KK Sports Grounds, Clermont
CR Crusaders
EMP Zululand Rhinos - Mick Kelly Park, Empangeni
HILL Hillcrest - Shonweni Polo Fields
HQ Harlequins
JAG Jaguars
KP Kings Park Outer Fields- College Rovers, Durban Collegians
KW Kwantu - Bekisisa High School, E Section, Ntuzuma
LS Ladysmith
METS Durban METS - Westville Prison grounds
MV Mangosuto University of Technology, Umlazi
NEW Newcastle Highlanders - Arbor Park
PT Pinetown
PR Piet Retief
QB Queensburgh
RB Richards Bay
RES Reservoir Hills - Siripat Road Grounds
RS Old Boys - Riverside Sports Club, Prospect Hall road
SCW South Coast Warriors - Douglas Mitchell Park, Uvongo
SEN Sentraal, Dundee
VOLK Volksrust
VRY Vryheid
UD UKZN Durban
UDW UKZN Westville
UM UKZN Pietermaritzburg, Peter Booysen Park
UW Ushaka Warriors - Mandini
WENT Wentworth
WOB Westville Old Boys
WS Woodburn Stadium
YW Yellowwood Park