KZNRU Club Rugby Recognition Breakfast

On Friday 13th April, The KZNRU hosted a breakfast at Mr Price KINGS PARK in acknowledgement of the valuable contribution made by club administrators, coaches and especially the sponsors involved with club rugby in the province.

"With so much focus on professional rugby, the KZNRU wishes to also 'recognise' these important role players," explained Pete Smith, CEO of the KZNRU.

Addressing the assembled guests, sponsors, club representatives, Board Members, Sharks players and the media, KZNRU President Graham Mackenzie explained that the Recognition Breakfast, "Is our way of saying thank you to everyone for their contribution to club rugby in KZN.

"Amateur rugby has struggled, it is difficult to survive off the takings from professional rugby - The Sharks - we need more involvement from government and business.

"Our thanks go out to the Premier League Sponsors Fidelity Security, they've gone above and beyond the call of duty and their contribution is vital. Thanks too to SAB for their fantastic support of rugby in KZN. Starlight Aviation came aboard two years ago and our thanks go out to them for their sponsorship.

"Two months ago, the Transformation Action Committee announced that rugby is unified in the province.

"We urge corporate sponsors to use KZN Club Rugby as a CSI initiative. We can't survive solely on hand-outs from the professional arm. Again, a huge thank you to our long-standing sponsors as well as those who have come aboard recently."

Thanks go to Fidelity Security (Premier Division Club Competition), Castle (Murray Cup Knockout Competition), Starlight Aviation (Starlight Under 19 Trophy) and club sponsors (2011): Goss & Balfe, Argent, Varsity College, Fidelity Security, FNB, Jonsson, Reebok, Thanda/ZRA, Ricoh, Bluff Superspar, Acer, and in 2012, Telnet and Safal Steel.

Thereafter, a Q & A with Alan Kahn, John Allen and Tendai "Beast" Mtawarira took place, followed by a Q & A with sponsorship representatives Malcolm Stephens (Fidelity Security), Jason Cox (SAB) and Simon Nicolson (Varsity College).

Finally, De-ben-tures provided a discussion on their organisation which facilitates corporate funding to contribute to society via Corporate Social Investment, Socio-Economic Development and Enterprise Development mechanisms.

Their vision is to establish a sustainable platform for young, highly-talented, but unfortunately disadvantaged individuals to excel, by providing corporate-funded support for tailored education and life cycle opportunities. For more information, visit

For further sponsorship opportunities (title sponsor, club sponsor, Associate sponsor, service sponsorship, Official Supplier sponsorship), please contact Pete Smith ( / or Albert Hannekom ( / .