Transformation Action Group Unite

The KZNRU can be proud of the fact that they have achieved something of a miracle when the leaders of the Transformation Action Committee that had Black Clubs pulled out of KZN Leagues last year shook hands with the KZN Rugby Union and together unveiled a bold plan to rejuvenate and grow the game among the black youth in the province.

Martin Wiseman from the Transformation Action Committee and the main driving force behind last year’s protest shook hands with the newly elected President of the KZNRU the visionary Graham MacKenzie to which Wiseman commented: "This is a humungous start to a new era in our game in the province."

MacKenzie who was the man behind the huge success of his club College Rovers in the last decade said: “ The Union was excited about tackling the real issues of transformation," and further explained that they had to get into the schools were rugby is a dying sport. Indeed the game needs to be introduced to non-playing rugby schools and youngsters need to be encouraged to join clubs after school.

It was former Natal and Bok skipper Tommy Bedford who advised the then Government after Madiba had done his iconic walk to freedom that the best way promote and encourage transformation was through the clubs, so the new way forward to grow the game in the province has now taken a hugely positive step forward.

"We will have succeeded with true development when we no longer have to import black players for The Sharks," added MacKenzie. "We have to grow home grown talent, of that there is no question, and when all is said and done, the ideal situation is for these players to come through our system and be selected on merit."

To kick-start the initiative, each of the five Sub-Unions have been tasked to identify at least one non-playing rugby school to pay rugby during the upcoming season and will have a final Transformation Policy Document within the next 90 days.

L-R: Francois Louis (Deputy President KZNRU) and Graham MacKenzie (President KZNRU) shake on an agreement with Martin Wiseman and Mlungisi Dube, both of the Transformation Action Committee.