One More Push

UKZN Impi are on the cusp of making the Varsity Shield Final following an outstanding, comprehensive 55-24 victory over TUT on Monday. With just one round remaining, they haven't yet sewn up a place in the Final with a number of scenarios to play out in the last round.

In the exalted company of Wynand Claassen, Errol Stewart, John Trollope, Seaweed Macfarlane and Colin van Heerden (as well as the entire Bulls coaching hierarchy), they scored a sensational Varsity Shield victory over TUT in Pretoria with eight tries spread between forwards and backs and a real squad effort.

UKZN Impi are still in second place on 21 points, with Fort Hare (18 points) breathing down their necks. Next Monday they play against CUT while Fort Hare host TUT. The two matches take place simultaneously, and there are a number of permutations:

Scenario 1:
If UKZN get 3, 4 or 5 log points on Monday they are guaranteed a place in the final. In other words a win will do the trick (as would a draw with a bonus point).

Scenario 2:
If they only get 2 log points:
- If they draw with no bonus point, they still have a chance of qualifying, as UFH would have to beat TUT by 64 points to overtake them.
- If they lose, but pick up 2 bonus points, they also have a chance of qualifying, as UFH would have to beat TUT by at least 56 points to overtake them.

Scenario 3:
If they get one or zero log points, they will almost definitely be eliminated.