All to play for...

UKZN hold their destiny in their own hands with two matches of the 2014 Varsity Shield pool stages remaining and a place in the final - and Varsity Cup action in 2015 - beckoning strongly.

Promotion from Varsity Shield to Varsity Cup takes place every two years and 2014 is a promotion year, making the next two weeks even more important for UKZN who are currently in second spot on the log.

They had a bye on Monday night and thus have the game in hand. Their final two matches are against fifth-placed Tshwane UniTech in Pretoria next Monday and Central UniTech in PMB a week later.

CUT top the log with 31 points and enjoy an unassailable lead, which means they have already secured a spot in the finals. As things stand, any one of the other four teams could qualify, but UKZN have the best opportunity with that extra game.

If they win with a bonus point next Monday and other results go their way, they will have secured a place I the final, but have the extra game as well.

FNB Varsity Shield log:

1. CUT 31 points 2. UKZN 16* 3. UWC 15 4. Fort Hare 13* 5. TUT 11*

* UKZN, TUT & Fort Hare have a game in hand

Gauteng-based alumni are urged to come and support UKZN on Monday night at TUT. There was a fantastic vibe at Wits two years ago, when "Seaweed's Army" attended the match there, and they would love it if this was replicated this year, with so much at stake.

For the Gautengers there is also the breakfast in Bryanston on Monday morning.